#4 Dyslexia Diagnosis Evaulations - What should they include?

Dyslexia diagnostic evaluations are individually administered and look specifically for your child's strengths and weaknesses, and how greatly their skills differ from their peers. On today’s episode, I break down exactly what a good evaluation should include, the difference between a screening and diagnostic evaluation, and what skills the assessments look at. I also explain the information that you need to provide for your child’s evaluation, including any previous interventions and family history, as well as the sub-tests that should be included in the evaluation. 


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Topics Covered:

  • The primary focus of dyslexia screenings 
  • What a norm-referenced assessment is and how it’s used in dyslexia evaluations 
  • Why the evaluator needs to know if your child’s school has previously tried any interventions 
  • The most commonly used assessments 
  • Examples of the three areas of phonological processing that you child should be tested on 
  • Skills and subjects outside of reading and writing that should be evaluated 

