Ep 1. Dyslexia Defined
Sep 15, 2022
Welcome to the first episode of Literacy Untangled! Today, I’m breaking down the International Dyslexia Association’s definition of dyslexia and describing the outcomes of someone living with this neurological disability.
One in five people is diagnosed with dyslexia, but what does it actually mean? In short, it unexpectedly affects a person's ability to process written language and can lead to problems with reading comprehension, limited vocabulary, and limited background knowledge. Tune in to learn more about what dyslexia is and how it shows up in learning environments.
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Topics Covered:
- What a neurobiological disability is
- Examples of seeing and processing information differently
- Why people with dyslexia often struggle with reading comprehension
- What is included (and excluded) under the umbrella of Specific Learning Disabilities
- Characteristics and consequences of dyslexia
Resources Mentioned:
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