Ready to Finally Get the Answers You've Been Looking For?

We're always looking for ways to help make your dyslexia journey easier. Grab one (or all) of our resources and find inspiration, strategies, and action steps you can use today.

6-Week IEP Meeting Preparation Checklist

This checklist helps prepare you for your child's next IEP meeting. It takes a series of steps and breaks them down into manageable tasks. You can use it to track your progress and make sure you're not missing anything important. Don't worry if you can't check off every item - it's meant to be a flexible guide that you can adapt to your needs.

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Common Signs of Dyslexia Checklist

Difficulty rhyming? Check. Poor Spelling? Check. Weak fluency? Check. You’ve been told to ‘wait and see’ or ‘they’ll grow into it’, but your positive more is going on. This checklist will help you clear the uncertainty from your mind and pave the way toward being identified with dyslexia.

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12 Questions to Ask at a Dyslexia IEP Meeting

This free (and very detailed) cheat sheet provides parents with 12 questions (including sample answers) to ask at the next Dyslexia IEP meeting - sashay through those conference room doors with confidence!

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Prepping a Dyslexic Student for the New School Year

Back-to-School doesn't have to be a struggle. This 8-step guide will help you strategize and develop a plan to manage the chaos and anxiety!

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Dyslexia Defined

Dyslexia is one of those disabilities that hides right out in the open but very few people actually know how to define it. Our helpful free Dyslexia Defined guide helps you define dyslexia and put into words what it is and what it is not.

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